In the past few weeks, I've seen quite a stir about Dr. Seuss and the racist nature of some of his works. I have seen the examples and read the things and trolled the posts. This is my response. Let me be clear: racism is wrong. I won't, however, be "canceling" Dr. Seuss in my home or in my teaching. *GASP* "How can you be so racist and un-woke as to continue using the material generated by … [Read more...]
2021 Reading Goals!
Like many of you, I love reading. I read for fun, to learn, and to grow. I struggle to read as much as I would like. Shiny things like social media and TV distract me. Daily life with 3 kiddos exhausts me. But when I set goals for my reading life, I find myself much more inclined to prioritize reading for at least a few minutes every day. I have been using the Goodreads app for a few years now, … [Read more...]
“Failure” vs. “Good”
So here we are, midway through Blogtober and the teacher in me is stopping to reflect. When the month began, the plan was to blog 3 days/week and post to IG 3 days/week. This was a HUGE commitment, considering I hadn't blogged consistently in over a year, but I wanted to try. There's something fun and extra motivating about participating in a larger-than-myself event like Blogtober. So of the … [Read more...]
Boundaries and Explosions
I have 3 children, and my oldest is 5. He's my only boy, and I lovingly refer to him as our "experimental child" because every stage he goes through is new for all of us. Every technique, "hack", or trick that we try with him is done with a, "Will it work? Let's see what happens!" kind of mentality. Frustratingly, he is not your average textbook child. He is both extremely intelligent and … [Read more...]