In the past few weeks, I've seen quite a stir about Dr. Seuss and the racist nature of some of his works. I have seen the examples and read the things and trolled the posts. This is my response. Let me be clear: racism is wrong. I won't, however, be "canceling" Dr. Seuss in my home or in my teaching. *GASP* "How can you be so racist and un-woke as to continue using the material generated by … [Read more...]
2021 Reading Goals!
Like many of you, I love reading. I read for fun, to learn, and to grow. I struggle to read as much as I would like. Shiny things like social media and TV distract me. Daily life with 3 kiddos exhausts me. But when I set goals for my reading life, I find myself much more inclined to prioritize reading for at least a few minutes every day. I have been using the Goodreads app for a few years now, … [Read more...]